Monday, March 28, 2011

About The Book

The novel is basically about an Englishman named Phileas Fogg. He is a very reserved and wealthy man, only known to be part of the Reform Club. Mr. Fogg tends to be very secluded, living only by himself with servant in a mansion on Saville Row. One day at the reform club he makes a wager of 20,000 pounds with his colleagues at the club, that one CAN travel around the world in 80 days. Many people found this preposterous, especially at that time which is around the 18th and 19th century. To do so, he used many methods around that time that were available for him to use. Of course there were no airplanes or huge ships like we have today, that can easily travel around the world in less than a day. He followed a planned path that went through certain areas of the world that would allow him to return in 80 days and its up to you to read it to find out if he does make it in time.

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